Tuesday, 3 April 2012

C is for...


Most businesses operate a model whereby significant elements of the business needs are supported by contracted services.  It is possible to outsource just about any element of your “back office” functions and it is almost certain that aspects of your property and facilities activities will encompass some element of contracted service provision.

Your estate and facilities management processes are there to support the core activities of the business and, as such, perform a vital task for you.  It is without doubt that the only time anyone in the business who would count themselves as a customer would notice these services is when there is a problem!

It is therefore most important to ensure that the contracted services you have are fit for purpose, compliant, up to date and relevant.  There have been many instances where contracted service provisions have been allowed to roll over from year to year without a proper review and assessment of the changing requirement, resulting in an imperfect provision and certainly wasted money.  We are all aware of the more usual facilities management services, often bundled up into those unfortunate headings of “hard” and “soft” services (how so?) but the outsourcing of professional services is becoming more and more frequent.  Outsourcing your estate management can mean the difference between being able to do your day job or not. Address the seemingly endless queries from tenants and other occupiers can mean that you do not have the time to undertake those tasks that are actually part of your job description!

James Alexander Consultants are expert in assessing your facilities and estate management service requirements and, with you, determining a strategy to develop the correct balance of contracted and in house services, their relevance and performance for you.  We develop, plan and implement the strategy, leaving you to focus on core activity and opportunity.

eMail us on innovation@jaltd.co.uk or see our contact page for our numbers.  We look forward to speaking with you.

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