Wednesday, 18 April 2012

P is for...

Planning & Strategy:

Occupying business premises is no laughing matter.  The costs involved can be significant and the penalties, should you get it wrong, can be severe.

Having said that, the opportunity for it to go well is significant!  Like all property transactions in the UK (well England and Wales anyway!) the pace of movement is usually somewhere akin to that of the proverbial snail.  Lease break clauses do (should) not usually sneak up on you, they are telegraphed well ahead of time (when the lease is signed?).  So the opportunities for you to plan aspects of your estates strategy are easily able to be recognised and addressed.  However, that is not the whole picture.  Not all elements are so easily planned.  As we have said many times before, the real estate only exists to support your core activity, it’s there to help you to produce your widgets or build your social media empire or whatever.

And (yes, you can start a sentence with and) that’s where the challenge comes.

Planning a strategy to match your real estate occupancy to your business’s operational requirements is not too difficult in principle, but will throw up some very challenging questions to you and your colleagues.  I was with a client recently and the discussion revolved around the business’s requirement to relocate to larger operating premises, the availability, or lack of, suitable prospects in the locality and the impact a more significant geographical move to achieve the right accommodation could have on the business in terms of the potential for the loss of key staff.  An interesting conundrum and one that the jury is still out on.

Size, location, mix, usage and cost will all play a part in developing a coherent strategy for real estate and the activity should be undertaken with the same thoroughness that is applied to the operational aspects of the business.

James Alexander Consultants can help you find your way through to the best solution to your accommodation needs.

eMail us on or see our contact page for our numbers.  We look forward to speaking with you.

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