Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Olympic Efficiency

In April we posted about new working methods and achieving efficiencies in the working office (;postID=2402608171377203908).

We now learn that Government departments are taking steps to implement new ways of working to create flexibility, cost efficient and improved productivity.  It appears that numbers of civil servants will be relocating, on a temporary basis, from central London to a base in Croydon.

The move is being championed as an opportunity for central government to implement some of the more efficient practices of the private sector whilst also “helping to reduce pressure on London’s transport network during the Olympics” according to Cabinet Office Minister, Francis Maude. 

It is not certain whether this move is purely temporary, as, if the hoped for improvements are achieved then a more permanent solution could be found.  It has long been the stated goal of Central Government to move more of it’s London based activity out into the regions.  Spearheaded by the Government Property Unit, opportunities for estates rationalisation and collaboration by Departments are promoted.  Opportunities for interdepartmental estate rationalisation and co-location are continually being pursued and this latest Olympics based initiative has seen additional accommodation become available in St Leonard’s on Sea, Bedford, Dorking
and Reading.

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