Monday, 9 July 2012

Dilapidations – Time to Act:

In April we posted on the subject of dilapidations and the importance to the tenant of making sure the obligations contained within the lease are adhered to.  See our original posting here:

A new report from Tuffin Ferraby Taylor suggests that there has been a rise in the number of tenants who are ignoring their requirement to repair and refurbish under the lease and who are therefore running into difficulty with their landlords.

This has led to a significant rise in the number of claims being lodged by landlords against tenants who have not maintained the property in a satisfactory condition, leaving the landlord with additional costs to return it to a lettable condition.  TFT suggest that claims as high as £2 million can be pursued against errant tenant companies.  Each claim and case is, of course, different and individual and it will be interesting to see how The Dilapidations Protocol, revised for January 2012 will perform in this time of heightened activity.

Read TFT’s report into dilapidations liabilities here, on their specialist website:

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