Thursday, 17 May 2012

It’s Flexible Working Week!

It’s been Flexible Working Week this week and that hasn’t meant you can choose whether to work or not (hard luck!) but this week acknowledges that the office based working week of today is able to be so much more adaptable than ever before.

It is the technological advances that have been made which have enabled the office to come with you wherever you may be.  Mobile devices are pocket sized and, with a generous sprinkling of Apps, can enable work documents and information to be with you wherever you are and to bring the ability to receive and send communications in any number of forms;  eMail, texts, social media, Internet, Intranet all available to put to use.  However, these can only be effective if there are a number of non technological elements brought into play.  These revolve around organisational will and processes.  If the tools are on place, but the supporting structure is not there, things are not going to go well. in association with Microsoft has produced a guide to effective, flexible working (download it here: )

To the organisation there exists the opportunity to increase productivity from an existing resource but there are additional advantages to both the workforce and the organisation:

·         It is estimated that 83% of companies are already offering some form of flexible working arrangement to staff.
·         Collaborative working has become easier and more accessible
·         Flexible working can lead to more flexible working hours, no need to be tied to the usual 9-5.
·         New working practices are developed for efficiency and a faster take up by staff.
·         Staff wellbeing increases, with a more equitable work life balance.
·         Reductions in travel in terms of time and cost are significant benefits to the employee, the company, and the planet.

The successful introduction of new working practices that allow for more flexible working patterns rely on a number of factors working in concert.  The employer has to provide the right tools, environment and encouragement, the employee has to adapt and develop new disciplines of their own.  Most will embrace the opportunities, some may need more encouragement but the potential exists to have a significant impact on the company as well as the individual.

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