Friday, 7 September 2012

Government Property Unit under the microscope

Some interesting commentary this week on the subject of the Government land and built estate ownership and occupation.  The cross party Publlic Accounts Committee, chaired by the Rt.Hon Margaret Hodge, has published a report recommending that improvements in building occupancy should be achieved, that unoccupied buildings should be made available to mall businesses to rent and that the Government should continue to realise value from built assets i.e. sell surplus real estate.

The drive is to save the UK tax payer in excess of £800 million per year in operating costs and to realise capital receipts.  Last year the Government Property Unit achieved sales on over 250 freehold assets, realising £640million of cash for the coffers.  In addition to this, co-sharing and more efficient usage of space and facilities has saved over £48 million, GPU claim.

The Government is the UK’s biggest property owner and also the biggest tenant.  Staggeringly, the property portfolio is worth in the region of £370 billion (even in this market?!) and costs £25 billion a year to run.  A Cabinet Office spokesperson has said that the recommendations will be considered carefully and the potential for savings taken into account with those savings already achieved.

James Alexander can help your organisation review your property and land portfolio and develop strategies for better usage and utilisation, as well as determining strategies for asset divestment, or acquisition.  Get in touch and see how we could help.

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