Friday, 24 June 2011

Nuclear New Build UK Sites Announced

The Government has released details of the locations for the sites of the next generation of new build nuclear power generating stations.

The locations are at Bradwell in Essex, Hinkley Point, Somerset, Oldbury in Gloucestershire, Sellafield in West Cumbria, Sizewell in Suffolk and Wylfa on Anglesey, Hartlepool, Teeside & Heysham in Lancashire.  Each if the proposed sites is adjacent to an existing licensed nuclear site owned by either the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) or British Energy (BE).  During 2009/2010 the Government instructed that surplus land adjacent to licensed sited that were in public ownership be disposed of, netting a very tidy sum for the public coffers and it is anticipated that this land will form part of the new build programme.

The development of new power generating capacity for the UK is essential as by the end of the decade a significant proportion of the existing capacity will close, indeed by December 2017 there will a significant downturn in output as the generating capacity of some of the older generating stations is scheduled to come to an end.

Time passes slowly in the nuclear industry and the announcement of the sites is but the first step in the construction and commissioning of a nuclear power station.  There is the not insignificant challenge of tackling that other leviathan that is the planning process.  It is assumed that applications will come under the auspices of the Major Infrastructure Planning Unit, although how long this process will take is debatable.  With the huge numbers of interested parties involved the hoped for swift and efficient planning system may be stretched to the limit.

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