Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Bury High Level Nuclear Waste?

The progress of one of the UK's largest potential construction projects continues. Following the Govt. White Paper, Managing Radioactive Waste Safely, in 2008 the consultation process continues to seek expressions of interest from local communities to host the deep geological storage facility. The facility would contain high activity level nuclear waste in a managed state.
The project is expected to cost in the region of £12 billion and once the site is selected, would take 25 years to undertake all the geological testing, planning and construction before the first batch of waste is received. It is expected that a large number of jobs, as well as other significant socio economic benefits would accrue to the hosting community.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Come on City!

Great win for the Canaries tonight, 2nd in the Championship, on the way!!

Thursday, 14 April 2011

The First Blog!!

Welcome to the new blog of James Alexander Consultants. We hope to post interesting commentary on all topics in the commercial real estate and property world and, hopefully, generate interesting and informative debate in the process. Let us know your thoughts and views and help to make this an interesting and informative blog.